Thursday, July 23, 2009

Star Wars - Tie Interceptor

This is a ETRL/MPC model I made quite a few years ago. I photographed it with an old 35mm camera and scanned the image when the film was developed. (which was what prompted me to buy my first digital camera!) I then cut out the shape of the ship using Adobe Photoshop and adjusted the color balance slightly. You can see the yellow glow of my bedside lamp in the cockpit window. I then found an image of the awsome comet Hale-Bopp and merged the two in Photoshop to create the final image.

As you can see from the original photo the join in the cockpit was very pronounced. Nowadays I would fill these in but I used to have very little patience.

The comet is Hale-Bopp but it could be a Rebel Cruiser burning up in the planets atmosphere! This Tie Interceptor must also be modified to operate in the planets atmosphere as well as space!

(c)2009 David Pagett

Monday, July 06, 2009

Star Wars - Boba Fett's Slave-1

Star Wars - Boba Fett - Slave 1 (Modified Firespray Patrol Attack Ship)

This is Boba Fett's heavily modified Firespray patrol and attack ship Slave 1. It is scared with battle damage and every mark tells a different story of a thrilling escape or spectacular shoot out deep in space. I enjoyed this model because it is so different to anything else I have ever made. Most star ships resemble aircraft in some shape of form but Slave 1 breaks all the rules. The cockpit moves depending if the ship is in space upright or lying on it's back in a docking bay.

The two 'wings' move on my model but I glued the cockpit in the space configuration. The cargo hold can also be left open to show a tiny Hans Solo encased in Carbonate, but I sealed the door shut. I used a micro-drill to make some small holes in the hull to simulate Blaster damage, the holes do look really good close up. I spent quite some time on the paint job but it is not completely accurate. The movie slave 1 has a different corrosion pattern, mine is blurred, theirs is sharper as though the paint has flaked off, but I still like my paint scheme.