"The light repulsorlift Imperial speeder bike carries one or two riders at high velocities for reconnaissance and antipersonnel missions. An unusual turbine repolsorlift makes the bike stable even in extreme manoeuvres. Forward-reaching repulsor fields help thread it through obstacles like trees, but their guidance must be used carefully because they are not strong enough to deflect the bike away from obstacles on their own."
Extract from Star Wars, The Visual Dictionary
I think this to be the best model I have made so far. I spent a considerable amount of time and effort into getting it right and I am really pleased with the results. It is two projects in one because you have to build the Speeder Bike and the Scout Troop which both require different skills.

Firstly I will start with the Speeder Bike. The most important thing in getting this to look so good was excellent reference material. I read somewhere that the colours recommended with the kit were incorrect so I got the Star Wars Archives book which has got some great pictures in it. This set me on the right track. The other stroke of luck was my recent discovery of enamel Gun Metal paint which you apply and when it is dry, rub with a soft rag to reveal a polished metallic effect. This made the frame of the bike look really good.
I painted the main body of the bike grey first and then mixed the brown myself using enamel paints.
I always hand paint using enamels which makes thing difficult at times, there are far easier mediums but I like the results. There was a little filling on this model, in particular, where the handle bars met the shell and the cables and levers are very fragile. I mixed a lighter brown for the saddle bag and then made the whole thing look used by smudging and streaking different colours here and there. One thing I did before I painted the bike was scratch the shell with a file to simulate damage on the bodywork. This paid off by adding an extra bit of realism.
Next came the Scout Trooper, he was the first person I had ever made. Basically the arms and head attach to body and then he needed painting. However there was a lot of filling and some modelling to be done first.
I found the arms did not fit very well so I got some modelling clay and improvised shoulder joints which moved the arm away from the body a little bit and meant I had to sculpt the shoulder pads where they met the body. The head was similar, I added a bit of neck and sculptor that accordingly.
I scratch built a breathing piece for the front of the helmet and painted it silver, I also made a lid for the top of his back pack. I sprayed the scout matt black and then painted the armour gloss white.
I picked out the details with matt black then dirtied the whole thing down. I think he turned out pretty good for my first person.